The Joy of Programming
Generative Art
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answer for 8.6
JE Joswin Emmanuel
3 years ago
coord=[-125,-75,-25,25,75,125] for i in coord: for j in coord: for _ in range(10): n=random(40) show(rectangle(i,j,n,n))
coord=[-125,-75,-25,25,75,125] for i in coord: for j in coord: for _ in range(10): n=random(40) show(rectangle(i,j,n,n))
DP Dhanush P N
3 years ago
##8.5 ```python def make_shape(width): if random(1) < 0.5: return circle(r=width/2) + ellipse(w=width/2, h=width) else: return circle(r=width/2) + ellipse(w=width, h=width/2) ```
##8.5 ```python def make_shape(width): if random(1) < 0.5: return circle(r=width/2) + ellipse(w=width/2, h=width) else: return circle(r=width/2) + ellipse(w=width, h=width/2) ```
DP Dhanush P N
3 years ago
##8.6 ```python def make_shape(width): return random_concentric_squares(n=10, max_size=width) def random_concentric_squares(n, max_size): shapes = [] for i in range(n): s = random(max_size) c = rectangle(w=s, h=s) shapes.append(c) return combine(shapes) ```
##8.6 ```python def make_shape(width): return random_concentric_squares(n=10, max_size=width) def random_concentric_squares(n, max_size): shapes = [] for i in range(n): s = random(max_size) c = rectangle(w=s, h=s) shapes.append(c) return combine(shapes) ```
NF Niya Farhaan
3 years ago
here's a nice pattern def make_grid(n): width = 300 d = width/n xstart = -width/2 + d/2 ystart = width/2 - d/2 shapes = [] for i in range(n): for j in range(n): x = xstart + d*j y = ystart - d*i shape = make_shape(d)|translate(x=x, y=y) shapes.append(shape) return combine(shapes) def make_shape(width): r=random(1) if r < 0.5: return random_concentric_squares(n=10, max_side=width*0.8) else: return random_concentric_circles(n=10, max_radius=width*0.8/2) def random_concentric_squares(n, max_side): shapes = [] for i in range(n): w = random(max_side) h=w c = rectangle(w=w,h=h) shapes.append(c) return combine(shapes) def random_concentric_circles(n, max_radius): shapes = [] for i in range(n): r = random(max_radius) c = circle(r=r) shapes.append(c) return combine(shapes) shape = make_grid(6) show(shape)
here's a nice pattern def make_grid(n): width = 300 d = width/n xstart = -width/2 + d/2 ystart = width/2 - d/2 shapes = [] for i in range(n): for j in range(n): x = xstart + d*j y = ystart - d*i shape = make_shape(d)|translate(x=x, y=y) shapes.append(shape) return combine(shapes) def make_shape(width): r=random(1) if r < 0.5: return random_concentric_squares(n=10, max_side=width*0.8) else: return random_concentric_circles(n=10, max_radius=width*0.8/2) def random_concentric_squares(n, max_side): shapes = [] for i in range(n): w = random(max_side) h=w c = rectangle(w=w,h=h) shapes.append(c) return combine(shapes) def random_concentric_circles(n, max_radius): shapes = [] for i in range(n): r = random(max_radius) c = circle(r=r) shapes.append(c) return combine(shapes) shape = make_grid(6) show(shape)
NF Niya Farhaan
3 years ago
ok that backfired
ok that backfired
KL Khadeeja lubaba
3 years ago
Exercise 8.5?
Exercise 8.5?
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